The Origin Of The Circle Of Swords Gaming Guild

Where did 'COS' Come From?

    In 1983, three men, who gathered their friends around a game table on a regular basis, decided to make things 'official' and organize a Dungeons and Dragons role-playing club. Needing a name for the club, these three men put on their thinking caps and came up with the DCB Club, or the Dave Schnur-Chuck Jennings-Bill Lucas Club, since they were the DM's at the time.

    In 1986, the Butler Clearview Mall's two book stores, Waldenbooks and B Dalton's Bookseller, asked the DCB Club to sponsor a gaming event held in the hallways of the Mall. The event was to publicize TSR products and the AD&D Game, and raise money for charity. At about this same time, the name 'DCB Club' had lost its zing, and a new, snazzier club name was thought up: The Circle of Swords.

    While preparing for the Mall event, a pattern began to develop. We were able to secure eight game masters to handle eight game tables each holding eight players. It seemed only natural to have our new logo a circle with 8 swords lying inside. This 'Circle of Swords' has been our trademark ever since.

    Since that first event, we have grown to be one of the largest RPGA sanctioned gaming clubs in the world, with over 300 active members each year and several thousand gamers involved over the years. We have managed and administrated several one day and multi-day gaming conventions of our own, and assisted other clubs across the tri-state area with their conventions.

    Each year the membership elects a board of directors to oversee the conventions and other club business. This seven member panel meets bi-monthly and consists of a Guildmaster, Assistant Guildmaster, Scribe, Treasurer, and three 'At Large Member' positions.

    In 1991, we added the latest in role-playing gaming, Live Action AD&D; COS Quest. Each month, COS members don their characters' costumes and head out to the PA woodlands for a weekend or day of adventure that otherwise would be played out at somebody's dining room table. The club has acquired several props over the years to assist your imagination while battling beholders, dragons and other monsters.

    Over the years, the club has become well known for its original adventures. This reputation began at the mall with The Bell of Zetar, which was eventually published in the RPGA's Polyhedron magazine. Today, the club continues to produce excellent original scenarios for each and every convention. Our AD&D 'Wizard' events are popular among convention attendees.

    In 1997, we introduced COSWorld, our original ongoing campaign world. The land of Kysie is home to player characters who continue from one great adventure to the next, growing in level and expertise at the same time.

    The Adventurer, the club's newsletter, was recently redesigned and is published and sent to all club members bi-monthly. Club members can submit articles for print at any time at no charge. Advertisements, either personal ads or game store ads, are also free.

    As we look toward the future, the COS continues to plan extraordinary gaming events to be enjoyed by both members and non-members alike. For high quality gaming entertainment, look to the Circle of Swords Gaming Guild.

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Next Con Dates

MAR 22-24, 2024 - COSCON XXXIV
SEP 20-22, 2024 - SIBCON XXVIII
MAR 21-23, 2025 - COSCON XXXV
SEP 19-21, 2025 - SIBCON XXIX

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