News Item: Coscon XXV A Huge Success!
(Category: COS Headlines!)
Posted by Lucas
Friday, Mar 22 2013 - 19:41:39

Thanks to everyone that helped make Coscon XXV a huge success! We had more events than we've had in a long time, including COSWorld Pathfinder, Living Forgotten Realms, Pathfinder Society, Shadowrun Missions, and Star Wars Living Galaxy; great miniature events like Day 1 of Gettysburg, WWII, Warmachine; four LARPs, and much much more!

Thanks as well to everyone that donated and participated in the Charity Basket Raffles. We had many outstanding items that raised quite a bit of money for Action For Jackson, and it went better than we ever could have hoped!

Finally, thank you to everyone that put in that little bit of extra effort to make the 25th Coscon extremely special! A special thanks to Ron Rummell for doing a ton of advertising and inviting Special Guests Ed & Destini Beard, to Jackie Vrbanic for outstanding cupcakes to celebrate the event, to Bob Kindel for anniversary COS dice, and to you our members that were able to join us! Happy 25th!

This news item is from The Circle of Swords Gaming Guild
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